
Flanagan (Marie Therese)

  • s. xx–xxi
  • Flanagan (Marie Therese)
  • (agents)
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Select document: a settlement between the canons of St Thomas’s Abbey, Dublin, and Walter de Lacy concerning the church of Ardmulchan granted to the canons by Theobald Walter”, Irish Historical Studies 44 (2020): 147–170.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “After Brian Bóraime: the high-kingship and the kings of Connacht”, in: Seán Duffy (ed.), Medieval Dublin XVI: proceedings of Clontarf 1014–2014: national conference marking the millennium of the Battle of Clontarf, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2017. 218–259.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “A twelfth-century indulgence granted by an Irish bishop at Bath Priory”, in: Fiona Edmonds, and Paul Russell (eds), Tome: studies in medieval Celtic history and law in honour of Thomas Charles-Edwards, 31, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2011. 103–114.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, Reform in the twelfth‐century Irish church: a revolution of outlook?, Kathleen Hughes Memorial Lectures, 9, Cambridge: ASNC, 2010.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, The transformation of the Irish church in the twelfth century, Studies in Celtic History, 29, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2010.  
The twelfth century saw a wide-ranging transformation of the Irish church, a regional manifestation of a wider pan-European reform movement. This book, the first to offer a full account of this change, moves away from the previous concentration on the restructuring of Irish dioceses and episcopal authority, and the introduction of Continental monastic observances, to widen the discussion. It charts changes in the religious culture experienced by the laity as well as the clergy and takes account of the particular Irish experience within the wider European context. The universal ideals that were defined with increasing clarity by Continental advocates of reform generated a series of initiatives from Irish churchmen aimed at disseminating reform ideology within clerical circles and transmitting it also to lay society, even if, as elsewhere, it often proved difficult to implement in practice. Whatever the obstacles faced by reformist clergy, their genuine concern to transform the Irish church and society cannot be doubted, and is attested in a range of hitherto unexploited sources this volume draws upon.
(source: Publisher)
Flanagan, Marie Therese [ed.], Irish royal charters: texts and contexts, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.  
The Latin charters issued by Irish kings in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, although comparatively few in number, constitute an important body of evidence owing to the scarcity of Irish documentary sources by contrast with narrative, annalistic and literary texts. Their value is greatly enhanced by the fact that chronologically they span the traditional historiographical division between pre-Anglo-Norman and post-Anglo-Norman Ireland and in form are comparable with the charters generated by the English crown and Anglo-Norman settlers in Ireland from 1167 onwards. They therefore contribute to a more balanced assessment of Irish society on the eve on Anglo-Norman intervention in Ireland.

The context for the introduction of the Latin charter undoubtedly was the ecclesiastical reform movement that dominated western Christendom from about 1050 onwards and which began to have a discernible impact on the Irish church from no later than c.1100. All the extant Irish royal charters were issued in favour of ecclesiastical beneficiaries and were demonstrably a product of collaboration between Irish kings and reformist clergy. Irish kings, however, were not merely passive recipients of this new documentary reform. They proved adept at exploiting it as a vehicle for their self-promotion and expansion of royal authority. German imperial chancery practice, for example, provided the stylistic model for a charter issued by Diarmait Mac Carthaig, king of Desmond c.1173x7. The known involvement of Diarmait's family with the Schottenklöster of Southern Germany affords a ready explanation for what might otherwise appear to be surprising German influence. The Irish royal charters materially advance understanding of aspects of the ecclesiastical and secular politics of twelfth-century Ireland. This is the first modern edition of the texts, exploring textual transmission and authenticating criteria and providing commentary on their content and historical significance together with detailed annotations of personal and place-names.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Irish royal charters and the Cistercian order”, in: Marie Therese Flanagan, and Judith A. Green (eds), Charters and charter scholarship in Britain and Ireland, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2005. 120–139.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “High-kings with opposition, 1072–1166”, in: Dáibhí Ó Cróinín (ed.), A new history of Ireland, vol. 1: Prehistoric and early Ireland, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005. 899–933.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, and Judith A. Green (eds), Charters and charter scholarship in Britain and Ireland, Basingstoke: Palgrave, 2005.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Irish church reform in the twelfth century and Áed Úa Cáellaide, bishop of Louth: an Italian dimension”, in: Michael Richter, and Jean-Michel Picard (eds), Ogma: essays in Celtic studies in honour of Próinséas Ní Chatháin, Dublin: Four Courts, 2002. 94–104.
Flanagan, Marie-Thérèse, “Household favourites: Angevin royal agents in Ireland under Henry II and John”, in: Alfred P. Smyth (ed.), Seanchas. Studies in early and medieval Irish archaeology, history and literature in honour of Francis J. Byrne, Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2000. 357–380.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “John de Courcy, the first Ulster plantation and Irish church men”, in: Brendan Smith (ed.), Britain and Ireland 900–1300: Insular responses to medieval European change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999. 154–178.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Strategies of lordship in pre-Norman and post-Norman Leinster”, Anglo-Norman Studies 20 (1998): 107–126.
Flanagan, Marie-Therese, “The context and uses of the Latin charter in twelfth-century Ireland”, in: Huw Pryce (ed.), Literacy in medieval Celtic societies, 33, Cambridge, New York, Melbourne: Cambridge University Press, 1998. 113–132.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Henry II, the council of Cashel and the Irish bishops”, Peritia 10 (1996): 184–211.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “The writings of W.L. Warren”, Peritia 10 (1996): 385.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Historia Gruffud vab Kenan and the origins of Balrothery, Co. Dublin”, Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies 28 (Winter, 1994): 71–94.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, Irish society, Anglo-Norman settlers and Angevin kingship: interactions in Ireland in the late twelfth century, Oxford Historial Monographs, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Mac Dalbaig, a Leinster chieftain”, Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland 111 (1981): 5–13.  
... equates the king and kingdom of Machtalewi referred to in 12th-century Anglo-Norman sources with the king Mac Talbaig and the kingdom of Uí Felmeda Tuaid (situated in modern county Carlow) mentioned in pre-Norman Gaelic sources.
Flanagan, Marie Therese, “Monastic charters from Irish kings of the twelfth and thirteenth centuries”, MA thesis, University College, Dublin, 1972.


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