
Ferguson (Samuel)

  • d. 1886
  • (agents)
Ferguson, Samuel, “The Twins of Macha”, Emania 1 (1986): 28.
Ferguson, Samuel [ed. and tr.], “On the legend of Dathi”, Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, 2nd series, 2 (1879–1888): 167–181.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Ferguson, Samuel, Ogham inscriptions in Ireland, Wales and Scotland, Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1887.
Internet Archive: <link>
Ferguson, Samuel, “On the Patrician documents”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 27 (1877–1886): 67–134.
Jstor – Open access: <link>
Ferguson, Samuel, “Fasciculus of prints from photographs of casts of Ogham inscriptions”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 27 (1877–1886): 47–56.
Jstor – Open access: <link>
Ferguson, Samuel, “On sepulchral cellae”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 27 (1877–1886): 57–66.
Jstor – Open access: <link>
Ferguson, Samuel, and John G. A. Prim [introd.], “The Ogham monuments of Kilkenny”, The Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland, 4th series, 2:1 — 1872 (1874): 222–238.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive: <link>
Ferguson, Samuel, “On the rudiments of the common law discoverable in the published portion of the Senchus Mor: read February 11, 1867”, Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy 24:2 (1867): 83–117.
Internet Archive: <link>


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