Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, MS C 5 inf = Antiphonary of Bangor
  • s. vii3/3/viiiin
Patterson, Helen L., “The Antiphonary of Bangor and its musical implications”, Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 2013.  
This dissertation examines the hymns of the Antiphonary of Bangor (AB) (Antiphonarium Benchorense, Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana C. 5 inf.) and considers its musical implications in medieval Ireland. Neither an antiphonary in the true sense, with chants and verses for the Office, nor a book with the complete texts for the liturgy, the AB is a unique Irish manuscript. Dated from the late seventh-century, the AB is a collection of Latin hymns, prayers and texts attributed to the monastic community of Bangor in Northern Ireland. Given the scarcity of information pertaining to music in early Ireland, the AB is invaluable for its literary insights. Studied by liturgical, medieval, and Celtic scholars, and acknowledged as one of the few surviving sources of the Irish church, the manuscript reflects the influence of the wider Christian world. The hymns in particular show that this form of poetical expression was significant in early Christian Ireland and have made a contribution to the corpus of Latin literature. Prompted by an earlier hypothesis that the AB was a type of choirbook, the chapters move from these texts to consider the monastery of Bangor and the cultural context from which the manuscript emerges. As the Irish peregrini are known to have had an impact on the continent, and the AB was recovered in Bobbio, Italy, it is important to recognize the hymns not only in terms of monastic development, but what they reveal about music. In light of musical fragments recovered from the Schottenstift in Vienna, and its links with the Irish recruiting ground in Rosscarbery, County Cork another portion of Ireland’s past has become known. Only by looking back to the AB and piecing the evidence together can the significance of the recovery be fully appreciated. While there are more questions raised in this dissertation than can be answered, the AB is part of a larger history that intersects with the study of medieval music.
 : <link>
Jeffery, Peter, “Eastern and Western elements in the Irish monastic prayer of the hours”, in: Margot E. Fassler, and Rebecca A. Baltzer (eds), The Divine Office in the Latin Middle Ages: methodology and source studies, regional developments, hagiography, New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. 99–143.  
The Divine Office of the early Irish church is one of the more recondite subjects in the study of Western liturgical history, and cannot be studied without looking at the Eastern Christian liturgical influences. Although most surviving Irish liturgical books are fragmentary and the liturgical reforms of the Carolingian period swept away the Irish liturgy and consequently most direct evidence that could help us interpret these fragments, some Irish material related to the structure of the Divine Office in a few Gallican centers exists but has not yet been fully investigated. This chapter outlines some of the major directions in which a new investigation based on this material will lead, and reconstructs the basic structure of the medieval Irish Office.
Lapidge, Michael, “Precamur patrem: an Easter hymn by Columbanus?”, in: Michael Lapidge (ed.), Columbanus: studies on the Latin writings, 17, Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 1997. 255–263.
Stevenson, Jane, “The Antiphonary of Bangor [Review of: Curran, Michael, The antiphonary of Bangor and the early Irish monastic liturgy, Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1984.]”, Peritia 5 (1986): 430–437.
Lapidge, Michael, “Columbanus and the Antiphonary of Bangor”, Peritia 4 (1985): 104–116.
Curran, Michael, The antiphonary of Bangor and the early Irish monastic liturgy, Dublin: Irish Academic Press, 1984.
Curran, Michael, “Sacratissimi martyres: an early Irish Latin hymn”, in: Elizabeth A. Livingstone (ed.), Studia Patristica XV: papers presented to the Seventh International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 1975, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1984. 539–544.
Bulst, Walther, “Hymnologica partim Hibernica”, in: John J. OʼMeara, and Bernd Naumann (eds), Latin script and letters A.D. 400–900: Festschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler on the occasion of his 70th birthday, Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1976. 83–100.
Curran, Michael, “The hymns and collects of the Antiphonary of Bangor and the monastic office at Bangor: a study of their sources and content”, unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Pontifical Liturgical Institute of St Anselm, 1973.
McLoughlin, Eleanor, “OE Exodus and the Antiphonary of Bangor”, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 70:4 (1969): 658–667.
Kenney, James F., “Chapter VII: Religious literature and ecclesiastical culture”, in: James F. Kenney, The sources for the early history of Ireland: an introduction and guide. Volume 1: ecclesiastical, Revised ed., 11, New York: Octagon, 1966. 622–744.
706–712   [568] “Antiphonary of Bangor”
Manitius, Max, Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters, 3 vols, vol. 1: Von Justinian bis zur Mitte des zehnten Jahrhunderts, Munich: Beck, 1911. <link> View in Mirador
160   [18] “Antiphonar von Bangor”
Stokes, Whitley, and John Strachan [eds.], Thesaurus palaeohibernicus: a collection of Old-Irish glosses, scholia, prose, and verse, 3 vols, vol. 2: Non-Biblical glosses and scholia; Old-Irish prose; names of persons and places; inscriptions; verse; indexes, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1903.  
comments: Reprinted by DIAS in 1987, together with Stokes' supplementary volume.
Internet Archive: <link> Internet Archive – originally from Google Books: <link> Wikisource: <link>
282   “Names of persons and places in the Antiphonary of Bangor (Milan)”
Warren, Frederick E. [ed.], and W. Griggs, The antiphonary of Bangor: an early Irish manuscript in the Ambrosian Library at Milan, 2 vols, Henry Bradshaw Society, 4, 10, London: Harrison, 1893–1895.
Internet Archive – part II: <link>, <link> Internet Archive – part II (some pages missing, e.g. pp. 5, 13): <link>
Reeves, William, “The Antiphonary of Bangor”, Ulster Journal of Archaeology (first series) 1 (1853): 168–179.

Results for A (2047)
Not yet published.
  • s. xviii1
  • Muiris Ó Nuabha

A copy of the Irish catechism Lochran na gcreidmheach (1676) authored by Froinsias Ó Maolmhuaidh (Francis Molloy, Irish Franciscan monk of St Isidore's, Rome).

  • s. xviiiex or later
  • Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Add. MS 27B
  • Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Bodewryd MS 11D
  • Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Cwrtmawr MS 6
  • Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Cwrtmawr MS 8
  • Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Cwrtmawr MS 11
  • Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Cwrtmawr MS 20
  • Aberystwyth, National Library of Wales, Cwrtmawr MS 114B