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Abrahams Erbe: Konkurrenz, Konflikt und Koexistenz der Religionen im europäischen Mittelalter, ed. Lieb (Ludger) • Oschema (Klaus) • Heil (Johannes) (2015)

MacCoinnich (Aonghas), Plantation and civility in the North Atlantic world: the case of the northern Hebrides, 1570–1639 (2015)

McNamara (Martin), The Bible and the apocrypha in the early Irish church (A.D. 600–1200) (2015)

Meid (Wolfgang), The romance of Froech and Findabair, or, The driving of Froech's cattle: Táin bó Froích, ed. Bock (Albert) • Bruch (Benjamin) • Griffith (Aaron) (2015)

Mélanges en l’honneur de Pierre-Yves Lambert, ed. Hily (Gaël) • Le Bihan (Hervé) • Oudaer (Guillaume) (2015)

Scriptorium. Wesen – Funktion – Eigenheiten: Comité international de paléographie latine, XVIII. Kolloquium, St. Gallen 11.-14. September 2013, ed. Gamper (Rudolf) • Ebersperger (Birgit) • Andreas (Nievergelt) • Reusser (Marina Bernasconi) • Tremp (Ernst) (2015)

Clerics, kings and vikings: essays on medieval Ireland in honour of Donnchadh Ó Corráin, ed. Purcell (Emer) • Sheehan (John) • MacCotter (Paul) • Nyhan (Julianne) (2015)

Early medieval Ireland and Europe: chronology, contacts, scholarship. A Festschrift for Dáibhí Ó Cróinín, ed. Warntjes (Immo) • Moran (Pádraic) (2015)

Lebor na hUidre, ed. Ó hUiginn (Ruairí) (2015)

The poems of Blathmac son of Cú Brettan: reassessments, ed. Ó Riain (Pádraig) (2015)

Culture and society in Ireland since 1750: essays in honour of Gearóid Ó Tuathaigh, ed. Cunningham (John) • Ó Ciosáin (Niall) (2015)

Pařez (Jan) • Kuchařová (Hedvika), The Irish Franciscans in Prague 1629–1786 (2015)

The harp and the constitution: myths of Celtic and Gothic origin, ed. Parker (Joanne) (2015)

Petrovskaia (Natalia), Medieval Welsh perceptions of the Orient (2015)

Proceedings of the XIV International Congress of Celtic Studies, held in Maynooth University, 1–5 August 2011, ed. Breatnach (Liam) • Simms (Katharine) • Ó hUiginn (Ruairí) • McManus (Damian) (2015)

Understanding Celtic religion: revisiting the pagan past, ed. Bergholm (Alexandra) • Ritari (Katja) (2015)

Gallus und seine Zeit. Leben, Wirken, Nachleben, ed. Schmuki (Karl) • Tremp (Ernst) • Schnoor (Franziska) • Erhart (Peter) • Kuratli Hüeblin (Jakob) (2015)

Smith (William), The use of Hereford: the sources of a medieval English diocesan rite (2015)

Tallis (Lisa), T. P., Cas gan gythraul: demonology, witchcraft, and popular magic in eighteenth-century Wales (2015)

Afterlife of events: perspectives on mnemohistory, ed. Tamm (Marek) (2015)

L’Historia regum Britannie et les «Bruts» en Europe, 1: Traductions, adaptations, réappropriations: XIIe-XVIe siècle, ed. Tétrel (Hélène) • Veysseyre (Géraldine) (2015)

Tigges (Wim), Tochmarc Étaíne: an Old Irish narrative (2015)

TRAC 2014: proceedings of the Twenty-Fourth Annual Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference, ed. Brindle (Tom) • Allen (Martyn) • Durham (Emma) • Smith (Alex) (2015)

Wounds and wound repair in medieval culture, ed. Tracy (Larissa) • DeVries (Kelly) (2015)

Golden middle ages in Europe: new research into early-medieval communities and identities, ed. Willemsen (Annemarieke) • Kik (Hanneke) (2015)

Wycherley (Niamh), The cult of relics in early medieval Ireland (2015)