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From CODECS: Online Database and e-Resources for Celtic Studies

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OʼLoughlin, Thomas, “‘Wendepunkte’: manuscript index”, Hiberno-Latin Newsletter 7 (1997): 4–8.
OʼLoughlin, Thomas, “A note on Isidore and the Pseudo-Isidore: caveat lector”, Hiberno-Latin Newsletter 6 (1993): 11.
OʼLoughlin, Thomas, “A hitherto un-noticed Carolingian scriptural work”, Hiberno-Latin Newsletter 5 (1991–1992): 13.
McNamara, Martin, “Two decades of study on Irish biblical apocrypha”, Hiberno-Latin Newsletter 5 (1991–1992): 2–5.
Schneiders, Marc, “An index of the manuscripts cited in Michael Lapidge and Richard Sharpe, A bibliography of Celtic-Latin literature, Dublin, 1985”, Hiberno-Latin Newsletter 3 (1989): 2–7.

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