
Schreiner, Sylvia L. R., and Andrew Carnie, “The syntax and semantics of Scottish Gaelic a' dol aL”, Journal of Celtic Linguistics 17 (2016): 1–30.

  • journal article
Citation details
“The syntax and semantics of Scottish Gaelic a' dol aL
Journal of Celtic Linguistics 17 (2016)
Rodway, Simon (ed.), Journal of Celtic Linguistics 17 (2016).
Abstract (cited)
We claim that the 'going to' (a' dol a L) construction in Scottish Gaelic has undergone a reanalysis from an embedding verb-of-motion construction into an aspectual particle functional head, which expresses simple prospective aspect in meaning (locating the time of the event not after speech time (like future tense), but after the time already established by tense). In so doing it fills a gap in the paradigm of aspectual particles. A' dol a L is permitted in all three tenses, but not with other aspectual particles. In these ways a' dol a L parallels the behavior of the imperfective particle a' and perfect particle air. We take these facts to indicate that a' dol a L represents a distinction in aspect rather than tense. Using a number of constituency tests, we also show that despite its surface similarity to a complex embedding structure, it actually behaves like a single particle.
Subjects and topics
Scottish Gaelic language
Dennis Groenewegen
Page created
December 2017, last updated: April 2018